By: Viraj Shah
Joining a professional society can be one of the most effective ways to grow your career quickly. This is because it will connect you to the people you’ll need to find jobs or learn about other opportunities to advance your career. It also gives you an opportunity to attend conferences, give speeches, or otherwise put your name out in front of the larger community of your peers.
Show Your Serious About Your Career
The fact that you belong to a professional society can help you stand apart from others when applying for a job. This is because only select applicants can put it on their resume. In addition, joining a professional group shows that you are willing to take the initiative to learn more about your field and the people who are involved with it. There is also a possibility that members of the hiring committee are also part of that society, which will give you something to talk about during the interview.
Get Mentorship
The people who you meet while at conferences or other events may take a vested interest in your career. This is because they want to see the industry thrive and grow and want to know that they were a part of making that happen. Therefore, there is a good chance that you’ll meet someone who wants to be your mentor or otherwise help to jumpstart your career by offering a job or putting you in front of other leaders.
Hone Your Skills
A professional society is a great tool to help develop your own skills. For instance, you may be asked to speak at events, which can help you become a better communicator. You might also be able to pick up additional paid engagements or find other avenues to grow your personal brand.
You Need to Develop Your Own Brand
These days, it isn’t enough to have a solid resume if you’re serious about finding a job. Instead, companies seek out people with a social media presence or at least the ability to create one quickly. If you come to an employer with a large following, you have something valuable that the company can use to increase its own brand reach. By joining a professional society, you can learn how to grow your audience or learn how to leverage it for your own personal gain.
Get Clients on Your Own
It’s possible that you plan to work for yourself as opposed to working as an employee. In such a scenario, joining a professional society tells clients that you know what you’re talking about. It says that you live up to a code of ethics and that you’ll be worth the money that you’re paid to do your job.
Joining a professional society can be an effective way to grow your career whether you work for yourself or want to find a traditional employer. Doing so may be as easy as signing up online or asking another member to sponsor your quest to grow your professional career.
Published By: Aize Perez