US Business News

Giulia & Romeo’s Commitment to Sustainable Fashion and the Need for More Brands Like Them

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Giulia & Romeo might not yet  be a household fashion label in every country, but its emergence as a sustainable fashion brand has the potential to catalyze an all-encompassing change that surpasses the boundaries of the fashion industry.

Since its inception it has quickly become the most sought after luxury vegan brand in its home country of Germany, and its popularity is quickly growing across the globe amongst the world’s vegan and conscientious high end fashion loving clientele. 

Sustainable Fashion is an evolving trend that blends style with moral responsibility. Its core principle involves crafting clothing while minimizing harm to animals. This conscientious approach can also be considered as consumer-friendly in a sense; a recent McKinsey survey showed that 67% of consumers prioritize sustainability in their fashion choices.  

The Story of Giulia & Romeo

It all began with a passion for animals. The founder, Daniela Brunner, has always loved animals deeply. To her, they are like angels, innocent and pure. But she couldn’t ignore the suffering they endure for the sake of fashion and other industries. This realization hit even harder during her pregnancy with her son, Romeo, in 2017. It was then that she decided to take matters into her own hands and create something that would truly make a difference.

And so, Giulia & Romeo was born. A brand that is not only about beautiful clothes but also about a profound commitment to animal welfare. Unlike many other brands, Giulia & Romeo’s mission goes beyond profits. They donate 100% of their profits to animal protection organizations. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about doing good.

What sets Giulia & Romeo apart, as the founder says, is not just their mission—it’s their approach to fashion itself. They are redefining luxury, showing that elegance doesn’t have to come at the expense of animals or the planet. Within their vegan collections, a fashion uprising against cruelty takes shape. Each item, made by hand in Germany, adheres to ethical values through short and concise supply chains. 

The Need for More Compassionate Brands

In a world dominated by fast fashion and rampant consumerism, the emergence of brands like Giulia & Romeo is not just welcome; it’s imperative. The statistics paint a stark picture: the fashion industry is among the top contributors to pollution and waste, with vast amounts of water, energy, and resources being squandered in the process. Moreover, the unethical treatment of animals and exploitative labor practices have stained the industry’s reputation.

According to recent data, nearly 73 million sharks, rays, and other species are killed annually for their fins, which are often used in fashion products. In fact, the fashion industry is responsible for 20% of all industrial water pollution worldwide. These numbers make it clear that brands must embrace ethics and sustainability. Giulia & Rome is far from alone in this mission:

Reformation: They employ sustainable materials and methods and operate a shipping program with zero carbon footprint.

Boyish Jeans: Their focus is on sustainable materials and methods, and they have a stringent zero-waste policy.

Pact: Using organic cotton and adhering to fair trade practices is at the heart of Pact’s approach.

Cariuma: Sustainability is key to their practices, and they’ve implemented a carbon-neutral shipping program.

Mejuri: They work with recycled metals and diamonds that are conflict-free, promoting responsible sourcing.

Stella McCartney: A strong advocate of sustainability, they create using eco-friendly materials and methods, and they’re a vegetarian brand.

Patagonia: Sustainability guides their material choices and methods, and they commit 1% of sales to environmental causes.

Everlane: Transparency is their hallmark, with sustainable materials, methods, and a clear view of production costs.

The concept of sustainable fashion is indeed new, and has gained popularity in recent years as consumers become more aware of the environmental impact of fast fashion. It currently accounts for only 0.33% of the $1.9T global fashion industry.

Of course, change comes with a price. Sustainable fashion, as of now, costs more than conventional options upfront. But that price is more than just money; it’s a commitment to a better world. As some would argue, it is an investment in a future where fashion isn’t just about appearance but also about integrity and consciousness.

The founder of  Giulia & Romeo, Daniela Brunner, says, “Our vision seeks to illustrate the seamless fusion of chic, high-end fashion with a conscience. We’re devoted to creating alluring, sustainable pieces that eschew cruelty in all its forms. As we embody the change we yearn to see in the world, we’re demonstrating that responsible and glamorous fashion can coexist beautifully.”


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